The difference between high-temperature yoga and ordinary yoga

The difference between high-temperature yoga and ordinary yoga

Differences in motion arrangement:

High-temperature yoga is the practice of specific exercises in a specific environment, so that the body can achieve a comprehensive exercise, the action is relatively fixed.

The movements of traditional yoga are more varied and can be freely matched on the premise of meeting the principles of physical functions. The content of each lesson is very different.

The difference in breathing:

Because high-temperature yoga requires more oxygen supply in practice, it needs to adjust the interest rate to maintain the balance of oxygen in the body. Therefore, high-temperature yoga has a fixed prana practice at the beginning and end of the exercise.

The kinds of pranayama in ordinary yoga are more varied and more varied, and most of them are practiced at the beginning of the entire class.

The difference in moisture supplements:

As a result of heavy sweating in high temperature yoga practice, it is necessary to constantly replenish moisture and prevent the body from becoming dehydrated.

Ordinary yoga does not sweat a lot during the practice. You do not need to replenish the water during the exercise.

High Temperature Yoga vs General Yoga

The principle of treating diseases is the same:

From various angles, the body is given a full range of exercises from the inside to the outside, allowing the spine to return to a healthy natural curvature, promoting the normal function of the body's glands, and improving the body's immune function.

Breathing is equally important:

The cooperation of breathing and movement is a necessary factor to produce a good exercise effect.

Relaxation is equally important:

The action room is just as important as the final rest, allowing the practitioner to replenish the body's energy in a timely manner.

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