How can you make it perfect for fat reduction and muscle enhancement~

How can you make it perfect for fat reduction and muscle enhancement~

Lead: This is the most effective way to reduce fat without losing weight. It can effectively reduce body fat while ensuring muscle growth. You'd better do the following secrets as you would for six meals a day.


Tip 1: Reduce nighttime carbohydrate intake

Weight training requires glycogen supply from carbohydrates. However, ingesting carbohydrates at night, especially after 8 o'clock in the evening, increases the chances of the body storing fat. Because the body only consumes a small amount of sugar and glycogen during rest, the body's metabolism is also reduced when sleeping. Another reason is that after taking carbohydrates in the evening, the body releases more insulin, and high insulin levels increase fat reserves.




Secret 2: Properly arrange aerobic training

Aerobic training helps to lose weight, but too much exercise can hinder health and affect muscle growth and metabolism. It is recommended that you only do three aerobic trainings a week. Aerobic training is best arranged before breakfast. Because you have not eaten, the body will have to use fat reserves instead of carbohydrates. In addition, keep your anaerobic weight training within 30 minutes and train with high intensity to consume more carbohydrates.

Tip 3: Eat a little more cellulose

Proper intake of cellulose helps reduce fat. Because cellulose can hinder the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, slowing the speed of sugar molecules entering the blood, it is beneficial to reduce the release of insulin.

Reducing the amount of insulin released helps prevent weight gain because high insulin is a signal that cells store fat.

Tip 4: Eat fish

Eating fish can both increase muscle mass and reduce body fat because fish contain high levels of beneficial fat. Cold-water fish (such as squid) can provide omega 3 fatty acids, which make muscles more sensitive to insulin (muscles are sensitive to insulin and help increase muscle to reduce fat). In addition, this fish promotes glycogen storage and amino acid entry into the muscles and also helps maintain the reserves of glutamine. Eat squid three times a week and you will get enough omega 3 fatty acids.

    Tip 5: Practice twice a day

As long as the weight training is not excessive, the body can produce hormones and enzymes that promote muscle growth and fat loss. You can make the most of this by practicing twice a day. High frequency stimulation twice a day promotes glycogen consumption, preventing heat from being converted into fat for storage.

Tip 6: Use ephedra

Ephedra is an herb that works with ephedrine. Both ephedra and ephedrine can promote fat reduction by accelerating metabolism. More importantly, they can reduce muscle mass while reducing fat, because they only promote fat metabolism without affecting protein. Ephedra is usually taken before training. It is about 334 mg. Because it contains ephedrine, those who have hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, as well as high blood pressure or asthma, cannot take it. In fact, ephedra is much safer than synthetic ephedrine, which can be converted into a chemical called ephedrine sulfate in the human body so that it can be absorbed more quickly and act more effectively on the body.

Tip 7: Circulating high calorie and low calorie intake

Reducing calorie intake helps reduce body fat, but it also reduces muscle mass. Use this method to prevent this drawback. After a three-day low-calorie diet, the fourth day was a high-calorie diet. In the three days when you may lose some muscles, you can take some supplementary nutrients (such as branched chain amino acids and ephedra) to prevent muscle damage. Here is a simple formula: take your usual calorie intake on low calorie daily. 50%, high calorie days add 30% to your usual calorie intake. For example, from 300 grams to 150 grams, increased to 390 grams after three days.

Tip 8: Reasonable allocation of carbohydrate intake

Indeed, not reducing carbohydrate intake can also reduce body fat. Here's a good way: add up all the carbs you eat in a day, assuming 300 grams, then take 30% (90 grams) each for breakfast and after dinner, and the remaining 120 grams are evenly distributed. Go to the rest of the four meals. This is because, in the morning and after training, the body's chances of storing calories as fat are the highest. At this time, the blood sugar and glycogen levels are very low, and most of the calories are used to "restore" work.

The three main causes of increased body fat are: excessive calorie intake, excessive dietary fat, and excessive intake of carbohydrates. If the first eight tips don't work as expected, then you can only rely on this last resort, which directly reduces the amount of fat in your diet. For bodybuilders, the only way to do this is to choose fat-free proteins such as egg whites, fish and high protein powders. After 6 to 7 days, add a little fat to the diet. The simple method is to replace the non-lipoprotein food with red lean meat and chicken. This can increase the amount of fat in the diet and provide one of the essential substances for the growth of essential fatty acids.

Tip 9: Low-fat diet

The three main causes of increased body fat are: excessive calorie intake, excessive dietary fat, and excessive intake of carbohydrates. If the first eight tips don't work as expected, then you can only rely on this last resort, which directly reduces the amount of fat in your diet. For bodybuilders, the only way to do this is to choose fat-free proteins such as egg whites, fish and high protein powders. After 6 to 7 days, add a little fat to the diet. The simple method is to replace the non-lipoprotein food with red lean meat and chicken. This can increase the amount of fat in the diet and provide one of the essential substances for the growth of essential fatty acids.

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