New environmentally friendly packaging with a perfect combination of creative functionality

New environmentally friendly packaging with a perfect combination of creative functionality

Normal align=left> “Starch base mold” is a green packaging material newly released by Shanghai Shengbai Packaging Industry Co., Ltd. It applies the patented production technology introduced by the Netherlands, and produces a new generation of packaging products made from starch, fiber, and other natural materials through processes such as dyeing, beating and injection molding.

Normal > Shanghai Shengbai Packaging Industry Co., Ltd. is one of the only companies in Asia authorized to produce starch matrix products.

Normal > starch matrix has the following characteristics:

Normal > 1,   Clean and beautiful appearance, rich color;

Normal > 2,   Easy to create a simple embossed surface effect;

Normal > 3,   The product is 100% fully degraded and can be recycled;

Normal > 4,   Easy stacking;

Normal > 5,   Light and strong structure;

Normal > 6,   According to the characteristics of the contents and customer needs, flexible design modeling and anti-counterfeiting features.

Normal > Product performance of starch base mould:

Normal align=center> Test Items

Normal align=center> Value

Normal align=center> Remarks

Normal align=center> Surface resistance

Normal align=center>

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