CTP pros and cons

Looking at the current development trend of the ctp market, technology competition is inevitable. Taking the plate as an example, there have been four types: silver salt type, photopolymerization type, thermal type (thermal imaging type), and CTP plate-free pro.......

Ink Additives Improve Print Quality

Powder-free paper printing ink additives have been successfully developed by Hangzhou West Lake Printing Industrial Company. This technology will greatly improve the quality of lithographic packaging printing processes.

In high-end high-speed color lit.......

Seven tips for producing perfect prints

There are no “perfect” prints in the world, but the seven tips described below may help people achieve near-perfect prints.

1. If your printed product adopts the design of spreading pages, it means that the image or text on one page will span to the next signature. At t.......

Germany developed a new ceramic brake

Researchers at Daimler-Chrysler in Germany have developed a new type of ceramic material that can be used to make automotive brakes. Car brakes made of this ceramic material have many advantages, such as: because it is a ceramic material, it is resistant to high t.......

Fresh fresh water product packaging method (on)

Live fresh water products require consumers to reach consumers in a short period of time to ensure the freshness of aquatic products. Therefore, live fresh water products do not require special packaging methods or microbial control. However, the packaging of live.......

Japan has developed a new type of photocatalyst

Tokyo News: The University of Tokyo in Japan recently cooperated with companies to develop a new photocatalyst that can respond to extremely weak light indoors and play a role in cleaning.

According to local media reports, this highly sensitive photocatal.......