Henan Patent Agency

Luoyang Patent Office
(471000) Wangcheng Road, Luoyang City, Henan Province, China

Henan Nanyang Patent Service Center
(473068) Nanyang District, Henan Province (No. 140, Qiyi Road, Nanyang City)

Henan Provincial Patent Agency Center.......

Single-sided machine - standard paste shape

E: Visible paste line solution reference Single-sided machine - standard paste shape

The following illustrations illustrate several problems: First, the position of the paste is accurate, the contour of the paste line is clear, there is no misalignm.......

Postpress Technology 1000 (467-472)

467. What are the major categories of binding materials for binding?

A: There are many kinds of binding materials used in binding, and the sources are extremely broad. There are roughly the following major categories, namely, animal, starch-based, casei.......

New Multilayer Co-Extrusion Barrier Technology

Commonly used high barrier packaging materials are aluminum foil, nylon, polyester, polyvinylidene chloride and so on. With the improvement of food protection requirements, new high barrier plastic packaging materials are becoming more and more widely used. The.......

"NpimoldPaper" deep stamping paper

Japan Nippon Paper Co., Ltd. develops and develops fully-natural fiber as its raw material and its product name is "NpimoldPaper" deep stamping paper. Its stretchability is 5 to 10 times that of plain paper. This stamping paper can press texturing, graph.......

Five principles of creative design

1, practical principles:
After understanding the known information, open the wisdom thought. Must have the patience to explore consumers, market conditions, detailed description of the product, and formulated advertising strategies. Don't let customers.......

Microwave fast drying silicone production process

Abstract The method and operation steps of rapidly drying the solid adsorbent silica gel in industrial production by using microwave absorption of polar molecules are described in detail. Through tracking and observing the whole process of microwave drying, the.......

How to improve the quality of hot stamping aluminum

Anodized aluminum stamping, also known as hot flashing aluminum and anodized aluminum printing, is one of the biggest features of a special printing process that does not require the use of a rubber roller for inking, and uses a vertical flattening printing pre.......

U.S. Industrial Design Education

- (United States) A. J. Prologis

In today's mass production, in addition to ensuring the effective, safe and reliable use of the product, it must also ensure its market. Therefore, it is necessary to combine beautiful and practical harmony. The bea.......