Is the bar code scanner more accurate, the better?

Is the bar code scanner more accurate, the better?

Barcode scanners are known to be used to scan gun barcodes. Barcode scanners have their own scanning accuracy limits. Scanners can not scan any barcode, but high-precision barcode scanners can be backward compatible. A bar code with low precision, but it is not the higher the scanning accuracy, because the accuracy is too high. If the bar code is scanned, the bar code may be misread. The barcode of the commodity that is common in daily life is generally used with a 5Mil precision scanner.

Commonly used bar code scanners on the market are generally 3Mil, 4Mil and 5Mil. The resolution of 5mil is approximately equal to 0.13mm, and the resolution of 3mil is approximately equal to 0.08mm. Generally, the scanning spot is the minimum width of the strip. 0.8 times or so is more suitable. In the case of a general product barcode with a magnification factor of 0.8, the minimum strip size is 0.26 mm.

The accuracy of 3Mil is higher than that of 4Mil and 5Mil. The higher the scanning accuracy, the more expensive the corresponding barcode scanner is. When purchasing a barcode scanner, the scanning accuracy is suitable.

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