Bamboo cypress culture method

Bamboo cypress culture method

Zhubai, many people have seen it in the flower market, but they can't always name it. The merchants often have some good names for sales. It can be potted or watered, green and verdant, and full of vitality.


Keywords: woody plants

Viewing leaves: resistant to Yin

Origin: China, Japan

Habits: Hi warm, moist and semi-yin environment. It is more resistant to cold and shade, and more resistant to drought. The growth temperature is 13°C~25°C, the air humidity is 60%~70%, and the leaves are still green and green at 10°C in winter. The leaves below 5°C are susceptible to freezing damage, and the adult plants can withstand low temperatures of -5°C.

Flowering: Spring

Reference price: 25~30 yuan per pot with a diameter of 12~15cm, and 80~100 yuan per pot with a diameter of 25cm.

Placement | Lighting: Hi-slow environment, do not place in direct sunlight. Easily placed on a balcony or window sill with a curtain facing east or south. Hydroponic seedlings should be placed next to a desk or computer.

Watering: The potting soil is slightly moist, and it is not conducive to root growth when wet. Watering once a week during the growing period, spraying water to the leaves, maintaining the air humidity of 50%~60% is conducive to stem and leaf growth.

Fertilization: Fertilize once a month in the spring and autumn growing season, use the decomposed cake fertilizer or “Huiyou” 20-20-20 general fertilizer, stop fertilizing in winter.

Pruning: The main stem is long and tall, and the leaves of the base are easy to wither and yellow off, which can shorten the germination of the lateral branches.

Breeding; seeds are prone to loss of germination. Seeds should be stored with sowing or wet sand. The sand washed with water is placed in a plastic basin, and then the seeds are placed in the sand layer by layer. In 50%~70%. Cutting propagation, cutting the semi-mature branches on the young mother plants in early summer, the plasticity of the branches on the young mother plants is strong, the roots are easy to root after cutting, and the rooting rate and survival of the cuttings cut on the old trees The rate is obviously worse.

Change basin: use a basin with a diameter of 15~20 cm, and use soil mixed with fertile garden soil, humus soil and coarse sand. Every 2~3 years, the basin is changed at the end of spring, and the bottom of the basin is covered with cinder, which is convenient for drainage.

Pests and diseases: There is a leaf spot hazard. At the beginning of the publication, 70% methyl thiophanate WP 1000 was sprayed. Indoor placement is prone to scale insect damage and should be captured and killed in time.

How does bamboo cypress maintain water?

Answer: The seedlings are often used to obtain water culture materials by root washing. The seeds can also be sown in high-temperature sterilized coarse sand or vermiculite. The cultivation containers can be used in glass bottles, ceramic or porcelain basins, metal basins, etc. . Planting 15~20 cm tall seedlings into containers can be fixed with large ceramsite, crystal soil, colored stones, etc. Change the water every 3~5 days, make a nutrient solution once a month, put it in the environment of 18 °C ~ 26 °C, the plant can be trimmed too high, the air can be sprayed with water.

How to buy bamboo cypress? How do you buy and maintain the plants you buy?

A: The plant shape is full, the leaves are lush, the leaves are dark green, shiny, and there is no defect. The pot plant height is no more than 60 cm. The mini potted seedlings require the seedlings to be neat, straight and dense, with dark green, bright leaves, no defects and no stains. The bamboo cypress that you buy back, whether it is a large seedling or a seedling, should be placed on a balcony or window sill with a gauze, not in direct sunlight. The potting soil is kept moist, can not accumulate water, spray water to the foliage when the air is dry, and then turn into the normal management after the plant grows new leaves.

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