Dark packaging will make people more appetite

Dark packaging will make people more appetite

According to new research, light-colored packaging will make you feel healthier inside, but you may think it is more unpalatable.

As we all know, the exquisite packaging of food directly affects people’s desire to purchase. The researchers found that color plays a double-edged sword role here.

When customers are hesitant about different flavors of food, the light-colored packaging often gives them a bad feeling, especially for people who lack health awareness.

Researchers at Kiel University in Germany have found that the color of food packaging can influence the purchase decision of customers both in terms of health and taste.


These effects largely depend on whether the customer actually tastes the food and their own health awareness.

In one experiment, the research team invited 179 candidates and showed them the same flavor of vanilla cream cheese, but the package of cheese is light green and dark green.

In the first round of tests, the test takers were not allowed to taste the cheese. In the simulated grocery store environment, they were asked to speculate about the taste of the cheese.

In this case, the researchers found that light-colored packaging had a significant impact on health-conscious customers in inferring results.

However, customers lacking health awareness are less concerned with light-colored packaging.

In the second round of experiments, candidates can taste cheese. People who lack health awareness at this time also believe that light-packed cheeses are healthier, but they feel that these cheeses are more difficult to eat.

Different from the judgement on taste, people's insistence on health is more of a belief.

Human capabilities are limited, so that we can not judge whether this food is healthy by taste. Even if people tasted the food, the color of the packaging still guides people to determine the health of the food.


According to researchers, when people cannot taste food, people tend to believe that it is harder to eat. Although light-colored packaging allows customers to feel that food is healthy, it will subconsciously make them think this is not the right thing to do.

On the contrary, dark packaging allows people to temporarily escape the assumption that food is unpalatable.

So when it comes to selling healthy food to people who lack health awareness, light-colored packaging can create barriers to purchase. Dark packaging is an effective method of counteracting people’s concerns about taste.

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